There is a new mechanic named the Break Hold, where the character reverses an opponent, stunning them, before appearing behind them, open for a counter. If the Gauge is full, a Fatal Rush will culminate in a Break Blow, similar to what the Critical Blow in Dead or Alive 5 would do. New mechanics introduced are the Fatal Rush, a beginner-friendly mechanic where pressing one button multiple times results in the character performing a simple combo, and the Break Gauge, a meter that builds up as the characters attack. The game is supposed to be more accessible for newcomers.

The game adds blood effects and new violence physics that can be user-adjusted or turned off in the options. Dead or Alive 6 also marks the first time for the series to have costume customization mode.

New features include slow-motion moments and visible damage on the fighters during the course of the fight, while the sweat effects from Dead or Alive 5 return and are more pronounced. The game is markedly graphically violent in contrast to the previous entries in the Dead or Alive series